Encounter with a Humpback Whale and her Calve.

The most amazing moment a photographer can dream of! This week was time to give another try with the Whales! Thanks to @boraoceanadventures we lived a blissful moment this past Friday! ⁠

While the weather was a bit rough, their boat handles very well; with an excellent Captain and Guide made it possible to capture unique images, a photographer's dream! ⁠ The conditions could not have been better!  While we had rough seas on the surface, we only had to deal with a slight current which worked to our benefit.  It allowed us to drift very calmly towards mommy Humpback and her Calves, we could see looking at us once in a while but both remained unperturbed by our presence, it was almost she was enjoying the shooting! 

 She certainly was very calm, the young one playing around her sometime coming even closer to us; my heart was pumping, it was truly a blissful moment and a humbling experience! If you happen to be in Bora Bora during the "Whale Season (August-Nov)" this experience will change you for ever!