Advanced editing & image enhancement





Photo captured for Aurelia near the valley of the kings in bora bora

Photo styling, retouching & editing.


The job of a photographer does not end with the photoshoot itself.  There are many reasons couples hire a professional photographers but primarily; people wish to obtain impeccable images that will make for life long memories!

We will tell you a bit more about our retouching & editing so you know what you are getting.

First off, while there is much debate about shooting JPG vs RAW, we chose to shoot in a RAW format.  Being that we retouch / edit all the photos set to be delivered, it allow us a greater flexibility during post-production work – There are also other advantages of course, you can read more about here.

Our standard retouching / editing process included for all images we deliver.


2 sets of eyes is better than 1!  I am fortunate to have the most wonderful assistant!  My wonderful wife not only always present during our shootings to assist but she has the patience of an angel when it comes to editing!  (She also has quite a good eye and is sometime my second shooter!)

Having a defined workflow is a key ingredient in a retouching process.  While we primarily use Adobe Lightroom for retouching purposes and will get us 95% there; Photoshop is also a key software we use on a daily basis.  We will normally split our process in two parts, Bonnie is great a removing unwanted or distracting objects from the images.  We will then proceed and complete the retouching on a Mac which has a calibrated screen.

To summarize, our retouching process includes global and local adjustments : Object removal (anything distracting or not natural is removed), re-framing the shot when required, highlights, shadows, sharpness, white balance & colorimetry adjustments. Skin softening, sunburn, skin problems on close ups.

We also like to know your preferences as much can be done at processing time, we can “style” the photos according to your preferences as portrayed below.  We normally aim to deliver photos with a natural style, you can of course chose to apply your own filters.

Bora Bora Photographer Stephan & Bonnie | 100% Positive reviews! | Photo Editing & Composite ImagesBora Bora Photographer Stephan & Bonnie | 100% Positive reviews! | Photo Editing & Composite Images
Bora Bora Photographer Stephan & Bonnie | 100% Positive reviews! | Photo Editing & Composite ImagesBora Bora Photographer Stephan & Bonnie | 100% Positive reviews! | Photo Editing & Composite Images

editorial retouching / editing

Don’t be afraid to ask!  Our client’s satisfaction matters a lot to us and details do matter! If you feel we missed something, please let us know!

While our standard process aims at delivering high quality images you will cherish for ever, we are sometime asked to do extra work which is sometime beyond the scope of retouching.  It can be replacing a grey sky, performing advanced editing on portraits, retouching / altering a body can also be done.

We are asked to produce composite images at times, this process is included in our  Aquatic Fashion Shoot to render sur-real images. Being an aquatic shoot, makeup is done during post production work.  Some of this work can be time consuming, sometime requiring several hour to be spent on one photos.  Please feel free to ask, if we are not able to do it free of charge; it won’t cost you an arm and a leg either!

Editorial type editing / portrait work

While not frequent, mostly requested for photos being published in a magazine; these images will require more attention; they need to tell a compelling story.  These images are usually altered, it is not limited to portraits and can also be a composite image – For our most common purpose, most our requests are for Portrait; see samples below, it can be a simple further enhancement of the skin & light to re-applying makeup and going further in enhancing the eyes, lips & face.  While we always suggest to have your hair & makeup done prior to a photo-shoot; we can re-apply makeup during post production work (might be an extra cost) – You can simply supply us with an image representing the makup to you wish to apply.  Here is a good article describing Editorial Photography


“Standard” Retouching (included)

Makeup & Skin Enhancement > Makeup, Skin, Eyes, Lips, Structure Enhancement

Advanced Portrait Editing
Bora Bora Photographer Stephan & Bonnie | 100% Positive reviews! | Photo Editing & Composite ImagesBora Bora Photographer Stephan & Bonnie | 100% Positive reviews! | Photo Editing & Composite Images

Body alteration

Bora Bora Photographer Stephan & Bonnie | 100% Positive reviews! | Photo Editing & Composite ImagesBora Bora Photographer Stephan & Bonnie | 100% Positive reviews! | Photo Editing & Composite Images

creating a composite for our aquatic shootings

Bora Bora Photographer Stephan & Bonnie | 100% Positive reviews! | Photo Editing & Composite ImagesBora Bora Photographer Stephan & Bonnie | 100% Positive reviews! | Photo Editing & Composite Images

Wow! We just slowed down and Steve pulled the photo’s up. They are absolutely stunning. You did a phenomenal job. We love each and every one of them. We didn’t realize you had sent them so quickly. Your work is impeccable. We looked at each picture and cried. You really captured the special moments of our glorious day. We loved that both you and Bonnie were a part of it.We will look them over again this evening and start the download process. You got the shot for sure with us jumping off the wood deck and the flower crown picture you took in the water was amazing.Thank you very much! Even though our families weren’t there, you both felt like family and made the experience even more memorable.

Love,Naomi and Steve”